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Evangelism in Hostile Enviroments

The Q-Questions of this week is “What is the Future of Evangelism?”

Pastor Jon Tyson responded this question with his post “Cosmopolitan Evangelism“. I was attracted by two of his view points:

  1. Evangelism is kind of aggressive and how do we communicate our faith in a way that resonates and does not offend, and
  2. Evangelism in religious pluralism environments isn’t the work of a moment and it cannot be about counting “how many” we were saved today or this month or this year. This is to say, it takes recognizing a long-term view.


Future of Evangelism

A few years ago, Patheos has assembled a collection of essays addressing the “Future of Evangelism”. The scope of the discussion covered a wide range of themes, e.g., “Transforming the Church”, “Transforming the Culture”, “Transforming the Society”, and “Transforming the Evangelical Ministry”, etc. These discussion tried to answer the questions on how evangelicals shape the future of American Christian, influence culture, engage in politics, and respond to the fast changing life styles. (more…)

Where do I belong?

Mike Bell from Internet Monk has this blog “Where do I belong?” which is the first of a series on the subject of “Community”. This blog focused on how we can find a church community that is a good fit theologically. Through answering the questionnaires recommended in Mike’s blog, I found that: (more…)